Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Edifying Moments

February 26, 2015.

A Mom with 2 children checked out at my lane. As I was talking with her 5-year old girl, the baby at the cart seat was calling my attention. I turned and sang the old song "All The Things You Are" to him. He had that happy smile for a while. Then he started crying, and turned to his Mom for embrace, while looking back at me, sometimes, with a slight smile. But he was crying out loud.

I told his Mom that I am sorry for this. She told me that "he cries, whenever he likes something very much."

His Mom told me that he was 11 months old. When they finished and were already going away, the boy kept on waving his little hand at me, all the way until they faded away.

Thank you very much!
March 20, 2015.

A Mom with her little daughter checked out at my lane. The daughter was just staring at me for the whole time. Even after everything was done, she still did not want to go. She just kept on staring. When I asked, her Mom told me that she was 18 months old.

I told her that she was already going home because everything was finished. She still did not want to go, even after her Mom asked her to come with her already.

When Jenae, my boss, assigned me to another lane, she just followed me. It took a while before her Mom succeeded to convince her that it was already time to go.

Thank you very much!